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Uniform Items

Winter Uniform

(to be worn from after October half-term up to Easter)

Summer Uniform

(to be worn after Easter up to October half-term)


Valley End V-Neck Sweater or Valley End Sweatshirt Shorts - grey

Valley End Cardigan

(non-branded red cardigans are also suitable)

Shirt - red and white checked

Valley End Fleece Dresses - any style in red/white checked material
Skirt - grey Culottes/Skorts in red/white material
Trousers - grey Socks - white or grey
Skorts - grey  
Socks or Tights - white or red  
Tie - red  
Shirt - white  
Blouse - white  

For any parents whose children are entitled to the Pupil Premium Grant who would like school support with uniform purchasing please don’t hesitate to speak to a member of the Office team. Any conversation with office staff about uniform affordability will be confidential.

PE Kits

Please purchase a Valley End red gym bag with Valley End school logo, this stays in school each half-term with the following items in, ready for PE lessons:
  • Valley End White T Shirt 
  • Red Shorts 
  • Valley End Sweatshirt
  • Grey Jogging Bottoms
  • White Socks
  • Black Plimsolls


Please provide your child with an apron (to be kept in school during term time) to cover their clothes when taking part in Art and DT.

Book Bags

Book bags are purchased from PMG Schoolwear. They should be clearly named. Please don’t attach anything else as we have had accidents when attachments have been swung in children’s faces. Book bags should come to school daily and are used for books and communication from the school and Friends of Valley End (FOVE).


Please make sure your child has a coat with them at all times as at playtime and lunchtime the children are out in the playground even if there is slight drizzle. During colder spells hats, scarves and gloves will be needed too – mittens are easier to put on than fingered gloves!!


We would encourage you not to have your child’s ears pierced while they are at this school. If your child has pierced ears they should only wear small, smooth and round stud type (no stones) earrings to school, for safety reasons. They must be removed for all PE activities and as staff are unable to assist with this, please make sure your child can do this by themselves, or parents are asked to come into school to remove the earrings.


We insist that long hair is tied back at all times in school-off the face. Please ensure that all hair bands etc are suitable for school (not fancy). This is for a number of reasons: for safety in PE, to reduce the chance of nits travelling from one child to another (see nits) and to keep children tidy! All long hair must be tied back for PE lessons.


During the summer all children must bring a named sunhat to school. At the beginning of the Summer Term you will be sent a copy of our ‘Sun Safety’ statement which is also on the website. Badges must not be attached to hats that are for school use.


Children should not wear any jewellery to school.


Children are encouraged NOT to wear watches to school.

Wellington Boots

For field and woods play children will require Wellington boots (to be kept in school during term time). These should be brought in a named bag.